Friday, December 24, 2010

Heat Transfer and Energy Interactions

Unified Field Theory
Heat Transfer and Energy Interactions
by Ezekial Davis
There are many ways Energy Strings interact. To best explain this, i`ll use the 3 stages of dimensions. There 3 main ways Energy Interacts, Magnetic poles, Electromagnetic force, and Electromagnetic Fields. Understanding Interaction of Energy is one of four parts needed to understand Unified Field, everything else in physics will be explain by Unified Field.
There 3 stages to dimensions as they form, They form two at a time, 2D, 4D, 6D. each stage adds a dimension of "space", with a dimension of prospective.
Stage 1:
1D: Space, when energy travels in a line. straightened with magnetic polar changes.
2D: Prospective of magnetism, how the magnetism of an energy string is viewed without pressure. the magnetism from the charge of the poles is the first energy interaction as two strings travel together the + poles push on the other, keeping them from making contact.
Stage 2:
3D: Space, energy that cycles onto itself in 1 orbit per cycle, traveling on a plain. This happens when 2D energy strings come in contact with pressure, creating time.
4D: Time, energy that orbits on to itself. this creates a Electromagnetic force that creates are 2ND Energy Interaction, Heat Transfer. as two orbiting energy strings come together the electromagnetism forces the two strings to become equal in heat and pressure, heat being the speed its traveling, pressure the size of its orbit.
5D: Space, cubed, energy strings traveling in multiples orbits per cycle, creating a Electromagnetic Field. with orbits and axis in the cycles. the field also has polar charges along the axis.
6D: Prospective ,of Electromagnetic Field. most matter we interact with has 6 sides to its Electromagnetic field. is some cases we can view up to 12 sided EM Fields and as low as 3 sided, depending on the time intensity, any in this range that is not 6 sided is in our alternating EM Field prospective. 6 sided EM Fields have energy that orbits 3 time per cycle.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Understanding Stars

Stars are cool, the high time intensity on them makes for a killer veiw of its electromagnic feilds. because its putting off the energy at the same time intensity as us, with all the viewable Electromagnic Feilds. black holes dont fall in veiwable because there a 2 sided force, 4D of are 6D universe. If the feild has 6 sides we can see under any time intensity, and we can veiw 3 sided (50%) up to 12 sided (200%) under high time intensity. as an alternating energy, this explains waves also.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Understanding a Black Hole

black holes, like sag A of the milky way, come from the Electromagnetic force of the Energy spinning around it. we live in a 6 dimension Universe, and once you understand them and how Electromagnetic force works it easy to understand. The spinning energy around the Black Hole forces the energy that fall into it to lose 2 of its 6 dimensions. it forces the multiples orbits per cycle to just one orbit per cycle. the energy loses 1 dimension of Space, and 1 dimension of prospective. Black Holes are 4D energy.