Three Phases Theory
By Ezekial Davis
By Ezekial Davis
There three phases energy can go threw from theoretical unified field. Each phase is caused by a force and adds dimensions, forces, and interactions. Understanding this is crucial in understanding my Unified Field Theory and the way I view the universe. I break things down in my head in a way i can see it working, with the forces i know that is. I Think of myself as a problem solver.
Before Phases
theoretical unified field
Theoretical Unified Field is all energy at rest (no energy) with no dimensions, forces, or interactions of any kind. so it is easy to understand how this is not and never was possible since we are here and energy is in motion. This state of theoretical rest is known is Theoretical Absolute Zero, and is the base on my math to solve for energy, time, and the speed of light.
Phase One
In the first phase energy travels in a line with magnetic positive and negative charge at its poles. Positive to incoming energy, and negative to leaving energy. Since two positives charges push and very little mass there is little to no chance of two ever hitting. There is Heat without pressure in this phase. The faster energy travels the more heat it has on it. so if one energy strand views two traveling parallel, in the same direction, and at the same speed it can interact with the two, but they can not interact with each other. They will be at rest and have no energy or heat to each other. Everything is a point of view. In this phase the energy`s magnetic charge is also a point of view, if there 3 energy strands (A,B,and C) traveling at different speeds passed one another. then A and C will view B`s magnetic differently. A`s view, a.(=) b.(+,-) c.(+,-).
C`s view, a.(-,+) b.(-,+) c.(=).
Dimensions (three)
a. One of Space, energy travels in a Line.
b. Two of Prospective, Heat and Magnetic Charge.
a. Heat
b. Magnetic Charge
a. The push of two positive charges.
C`s view, a.(-,+) b.(-,+) c.(=).
Dimensions (three)
a. One of Space, energy travels in a Line.
b. Two of Prospective, Heat and Magnetic Charge.
a. Heat
b. Magnetic Charge
a. The push of two positive charges.
Phase Two
The 2nd Phase happens when the force of pressure is added to the first phase. energy now has resistance on it, making it travel in a wave like manner to a spin. the spinning of a positive and negative magnetic charge creates a electromagnetic charge or force that has poles on its axis. Energy strands now travel on a plain, in circles, passing the same point over and over again. Since there is something to measure, the length and speed the energy strands takes to complete a cycle from point A back to point A, we have Time. Heat is the speed of energy, as pressure is the length. as a mass accelerates to the speed of light it appears to lose pressure in tell it has none, making us perceive it as energy in phase one, although it does have pressure on it. With electromagnetic force strands can now transfer energy. as two strand`s electromagnetic charge come together there energy equals out transferring energy from the one with more. since antimatter which cycles in the other direction this transfer causes a lose in energy in tell the 1 with less drops to 1 phase energy.
a. 2 of space, line and plain.
b. 4 of Prospective, Heat, Magnetic Charge, Pressure, electromagnetic charge
c. 1 of Time, the length and speed it takes energy to complete a cycle, or unit of time.
a. Heat (energy)
b. Magnetic Charge
c. Pressure (resistance)
d. Electromagnetic Charge/Force
a. The push of two positive charges.
b. Heat or energy transfer
a. Heat Intensity X Pressure = Time Intensity
a. 2 of space, line and plain.
b. 4 of Prospective, Heat, Magnetic Charge, Pressure, electromagnetic charge
c. 1 of Time, the length and speed it takes energy to complete a cycle, or unit of time.
a. Heat (energy)
b. Magnetic Charge
c. Pressure (resistance)
d. Electromagnetic Charge/Force
a. The push of two positive charges.
b. Heat or energy transfer
a. Heat Intensity X Pressure = Time Intensity
Phase Three
this phase happens when the electromagnetic force from one cluster of phase two energy pulls on another making there energy no longer travel 1 orbit per cycle on a plain, but multiple orbits per cycle like a sphere, with sides. This creates a Electromagnetic Field, which is orbits per cycle times two. interaction between energy's with different amounts of sides in there electromagnetic fields is that of a alternating mass and dependent on time intensity being close.
the field of view from alternating mass is around 50% to 200% of orbits per cycle. since we 6 sides to are EMF the views we have is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. the only thing in our solar system with time intensities the equals ours in other EMF`s is the sun, since we interact with the alternating mass in other fields it adds to the sun`s mass and energy. this effect can explain the soul and spirits. this phase adds a axis to the orbits making a electromagnetic charge at poles, this brings in my Four Energy`s Theory. matter and antimatter or two. the other two`s spin on there axis is reversed to matter`s and antimatter`s axis`s spin with same same orbit spin. In the third phase, large spinning masses create a black hole at it`s core. Black Holes are created by the electromagnetic core of spinning masses, mass that enter the center is effected by the spinning mass around it. its forces energy of the mass that enters the core to cycle in 1 orbit dropping it to phase two energy with 2 dimension of space we cant interact with it, so it appears to us to lose all mass.
a. Heat Intensity X Pressure / orbits per cycle = Time Intensity
*chances of interacting with energy with lower then 50% or higher then 200% the orbits is possible but Time Intensity must but close to ours.
*mass is solve in finding heat and pressure on something. BTU`s solve on weight (1 pound of water), scaled from theoretical absolute zero, and solves for sensible and latent heat. PSI absolute, solves for the surface space or volume of the mass along with pressure.
Weight X Volume = Density * BTU X PSI *
this math solves for the speed of light by taking the condition's (heat and pressures) of known speeds of light and plugging them in my solution to get the time intensity at the known speeds of light then solve for time intensity of something divide the time intensity of known speed of light by the masses time intensity, and take that number and times it by the speed the was known to be light speed... there is the speed of light on the mass.
E=MC2 wrong, its my bed time, no one reads my junk anyway. Ezekial Davis,
the field of view from alternating mass is around 50% to 200% of orbits per cycle. since we 6 sides to are EMF the views we have is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. the only thing in our solar system with time intensities the equals ours in other EMF`s is the sun, since we interact with the alternating mass in other fields it adds to the sun`s mass and energy. this effect can explain the soul and spirits. this phase adds a axis to the orbits making a electromagnetic charge at poles, this brings in my Four Energy`s Theory. matter and antimatter or two. the other two`s spin on there axis is reversed to matter`s and antimatter`s axis`s spin with same same orbit spin. In the third phase, large spinning masses create a black hole at it`s core. Black Holes are created by the electromagnetic core of spinning masses, mass that enter the center is effected by the spinning mass around it. its forces energy of the mass that enters the core to cycle in 1 orbit dropping it to phase two energy with 2 dimension of space we cant interact with it, so it appears to us to lose all mass.
a. Heat Intensity X Pressure / orbits per cycle = Time Intensity
*chances of interacting with energy with lower then 50% or higher then 200% the orbits is possible but Time Intensity must but close to ours.
*mass is solve in finding heat and pressure on something. BTU`s solve on weight (1 pound of water), scaled from theoretical absolute zero, and solves for sensible and latent heat. PSI absolute, solves for the surface space or volume of the mass along with pressure.
Weight X Volume = Density * BTU X PSI *
this math solves for the speed of light by taking the condition's (heat and pressures) of known speeds of light and plugging them in my solution to get the time intensity at the known speeds of light then solve for time intensity of something divide the time intensity of known speed of light by the masses time intensity, and take that number and times it by the speed the was known to be light speed... there is the speed of light on the mass.
E=MC2 wrong, its my bed time, no one reads my junk anyway. Ezekial Davis,