Ezekial Davis`s Mathematical Solutions to solve for Energy and Time Intensity, and mass interactions percentages between matter and dark matter.
The most basic of all things, that all things are made of, is movement. Movement without resistance is without Time and is Teleportation in tell it clides with another movement. When two groups of movements start impacting light is the first that is created with the directly impacted movements as they bunch up on each other, it changes the direction of the impact to creat hydrogen. So one would see two orbs of light intertwined with a hydrogen ring forming between the two orbs. Hydrogen then bunches together to compress into H2, H3, and a plasma state for stars to form. Planets start forming, and as mass starts to flow in a directional circle that is like the first impact. Creating a Magnetic Feild at the glatic center that also mimices the creating of light light being one orbit per unit of Time. With the increase of resistance, increases interactions with different Electromagnetic Fields. Stars and Plasma interact with the full spectrum of Electromagnetic Feilds all ten of them. they can be single out partiality wit the color spectrum or fully with Time Intensity. Plasma is the state of all things by the resistance increase to the glatic center. When entering the One orbit EMF 12 orbits get pulled into one
All math is done from absolute Zero.
Resistance =
OpT = orbits per unit of time = the sides to the magnetic field.