Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Letter i wrote

        I would like to share credit with you, on a project that with your help will help all of human kind. world recognition in Physics, that could lead us to a Nobel Prize in Physics! Please take the time to read my offer.

       You have everything I do not, a following, and a good understanding how to teach things in a way that keeps all types of people listening.  I'm guessing a wonderful team of hard working people that helps you produce the wonderful content that you do.  I wish to work with you and your team. 
        I'll tell you a little about myself,  I was a Ese student  through most of grade school dropped out in 10th grade.  A few years later after working in the HVAC field I wanted to go back to school so I took a GED course, it took a few days to raise my grade level from around a 8th grade level to 12.9 on the tabe test, so I skipped the ged and went straight into a trade school for HVAC. I'm explaining this because I believe that it will help you to better access me as a person and to know that I'm not wasting your time.  
Continuing, I started attending a HVAC and Refrigeration course at Ridge Career Center, a technical school in Haines city, Florida. I had a great teacher, he worked on the Apolo program and cooling particle accelerators. We had a lot of great conversations that helped push me to the state I'm in now.  He was teaching class about latent changes in state. So later, I was visualizing refrigeration changing state in a sealed system and how that could pull heat from the air crossing the coils, I quickly came to the understanding that it was the meaning out of the molacules EMF.  So I got the understanding that EMF is how heat transfer takes place, and I then wanted to know what effects the different parts to the EMF. So having a little knowledge about refrigeration and one of the few things I learned in grade school. I came to the conclusion the heat effects the speed and although not right, at the time, pressure effects the length.  Yes pressure does effect the length (picturing energy strands in my head) I studied some of Einstein's work, like 2 trains theory. A year or so past and I started getting a lot better understanding of the mathematical solutions I use to solve for Energy and Time Intensity.  That was my first step to solve Unified Feild,  I had never heard of Einstein's quest for Unified Feild, when I went to my local library to research how to publish a physics journal. The young lady that was fresh out of college I explained the journal I wanted to publish, and she then told me I wanted to publish a unified feild theory and that Einstein's actively tried to solve it tell he died.  After that, it consumed my life for years.  Having to redefine physics terms so that they make since was time consuming, my understandings changed many times a day for a few years, in tell everything fell in to place. And everything made since and works. The great thing is we don't have to do any experiments to prove Unified Feild has already been done. The legalities of the use of others work to help prove my work is a lot of why I have had problems going at this alone. Plus the not having a college degree in anything. That would of prevented me from succeeding.  It's hard to raise a family and break in to a field and tell a lot of people that paid a lot of money that I know more then they do.  I would never be so rude to do so. But I will say this, Einstein knew he was wrong about E=mc². That is why he wanted it so badly. So he would not get wrote off as a great mind. Okay, to solve for energy,  across "dark matter" or what I call the spectrum of Electromagnetic Feild.  (Note: if Nasa makes a statement its normal ass backward. Just a note.) Solve for Energy and Time Intensity skipping a hole lot of explaining. 
 All mathematics is done from Absolute Zero.
Because movement is all that is and Absolute zero is the prospective we have of nothing. Mass is found when solving for something and the scales you use. For example a adult man on earth weighting 165 pounds. To make things easy I'll use psia to solve for resistance and BTu's to solve for heat Intensity  and the number of orbits per unit of time to solve for EMF. Like I said redefine everything.  

Resistance × Orbits per Unit of Time = The distance of a unit of time.

Heat Intensity = speed of the movement 

Resistance × Orbits per unit of time × heat Intensity = Energy.

Resistance × Orbits per unit of time ÷ Heat Intensity = Time Intensity.

Everything we enteract with as 100% mass has 6 orbits per unit of time.  Refer to pictures of the poles of Saturn you will see the EMF of the planet  forms a 6 sided geometrical shape.  Then refer to the poles of Jupiter for the next event horizon. You see a 6 sided EMF enteracting with a 5 sided and a 8 sided to form 5 vortex system around the sixth in the center, and at the other pole you'll see a 8 vortex system around a ninth in the center.  

The first thing that come into existence is light, it one orbit, like a slinky that is pulled apart contracting changing frequently. Microwaves,  beta visible light  gamma rays, you know all the types of light. As the resistance closes in and there is less room it has to start flipping on to itself  creating multiple orbit energy.   Plasma is the state that the full spectrum of EMF is interacting with each as mass.  Nasa has unknowingly singled out the 10 different EMF's  of the sun using the color spectrum. Using my time Intensity solution would be the best way to single them out as it would sync with alot higher percentage of interaction.
My math can be used for a lot. Want to know the point Jupiter will become a star. Used my solution want to know. It can be used to do great things.  The first thing I used Unified Feild for was to know the will of God.  I used Unified Feild to understand everything, why we are here.  The fact the Unified Feild is in the Bible and it is written to prove ro anyone whom understands Unified Feild to scream Not written be man. Yes, demons are very real.  Mankind in a whole are blind to them, faith is blind. I've never had faith, I know it to be fact. Demon's have a 5sided EMF and we are at are most synced in Time Intensity  around 2am , and June July  peaks. Demons are alot smarter then humans by far. And they all know about us. They have a lot of interesting things about them. They have control over there body temperature. Just so you know humans for the most part are not capable of making up things. Yes a person can lie but there lies have truth to them as they learned there lie from someone who wasn't living.  People think events bring paranormal things, it really time Intensity.  Huracains drops the pressure, perfect time to use super slow motion to film. You see a lot more then you want to.  
 Want to know what happens in a black hole?
A black hole is a 1 orbit EMF at the center of a spinning mass, created from the spinning mass.  Most of the energy entering a blackhole get pulled to far from it core and slings straightened without time on it to collide with the corresponding movement that created it. Teleportion.  Well there alot more , there many ways to look at anything.  And  fractals are very important to understand.  

Please contact me 1 863 241-7701, my name is Ezekial Davis of Lake Wales, Florida.  

The reason we have interaction with light is because it travel along the axis of are energy.  And that to is why plasma gives off light.