Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Unified Field Theory
by Ezekial Davis

I understand six Dimensions, three of space, one of time, and two of prospective.
Dimensionless happens when energy is at rest, or Absolute Zero, this is not possible.
First Dimension of space is when energy has heat without pressure, its straightened with a positive and negative charge. positive charge always faces a energy strand coming. this also creates the fifth dimension of prospective.
2nd Dimension of space happens when energy with heat finds pressure. energy now spins onto itself, also making time a dimension. the energy has 1 orbit per cycle also creating electromagnetic force, has no mass to us, the spinning of the Milky Way forces energy in its core to this state creating a Black Hole.
3rd Dimension of space happens when energy strings has to orbit multiple time to complete a cycle, this creates a axis of spin for the energy string. The Electromagnetic force from the orbit with the axis creates a Electromagnetic Field. This also creates the 2nd dimension of prospective, Electromagnetic Field Prospective.
First Dimension of Prospective of Charge,
If there are three points of view A, B, and C. A and B are traveling toward C on the same path. A is traveling 2 time the speed of light, B is traveling just under the speed of light, and C is traveling just over the speed of light. none are with in light speed to another, A views B and C with a positive charge facing it. C views A and B with a positive charge to it. so they both view B differently.
A, (-+)(+-)(+-). C,
The Dimension of Time is when energy spin onto itself and creates Electromagnetic force, and starts interacting with other energy by transferring heat and pressure threw Electromagnetic force. there energy equals out causing heat transfer. since matter and antimatter orbit the opposite way the energy equals out at absolute zero. causing loss of mass in the one with more energy equal to the energy in the smaller, and the smaller is lost to absolute zero.
2nd Dimension of prospective of Electromagnetic Field,
deals with multiple orbit energy. most energy we interact with has a six sided electromagnetic field. as we interact with electromagnetic fields with more sides mass and energy transfer drops and starts alternating to us. since the energy strings with more sides to its Electromagnetic Field has to orbit more per cycle it travels slower in time, making are view of it hard to find and understand. To solve for time between these dimensions you must divide the Time Intensity of both by the number of orbits in there cycles. ((pressure x heat intensity) divided by orbits per cycle = time intensity). with the high Time Intensity of our sun we should be able to see up to a 12 sided electromagnetic field coming from it, and as low as a *3 sided electromagnetic field. our energy orbits 3 times per cycle and makes a 6 sided electromagnetic field.

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